Marc 'The Cope' Coppola

Marc 'The Cope' Coppola

Marc "The Cope" Coppola is a native New Yorker who can be heard on a station near you!


NASA Says, Something Weird This Way Comes!

Because we don't already have enough to worry about...

NASA says something strange is happening with our universe and how quickly it's expanding.

Scientists have been studying new data from the Hubble Space Telescope.

They say the expansion rate has become much quicker than predicted.

Data also showed other galaxies are moving away from our Milky Way faster.

But scientists cannot yet figure out why, so all they're saying for now is that "something weird" is underway.

Cope's point of view is that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Originally it was a prediction how fast the universe was expanding based on math. But upon looking through a telescope, like The Hubble, you can actually see what you're trying to predict using mathematical equations. Expansion is way faster in reality. And it's not that other galaxies are trying to get away from us because something weird is happening, it's that objects move away from each other as expansion occurs. No rocket science or math needed....just common sense. -Cope

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